
Retrieving the Gem from Guiding Light IV Chain Reaction...

Nellie Buckley 12 years ago updated by Japes 3 years ago 20
I'm loving Memento! But I'm stuffed if I can see the way to get the gem from the Chain Reaction puzzle. I can hit the block once so I know where the gem is but see no way to hit it the second and third time required to get the gem. Is it a glitch or do I need to think harder? Not after the solution really just a hint would be good :)
Hi Nellie. It is a tricky one! Some preparation is needed so you can hit it the 2nd and 3rd time.
This one is tricky. When moving the movable spike up and down, keep a bubble on either side...
Excellent thanks Shannon! I got it from that tip :)! Before I was stuck at the picture below trying to move up, but being killed by the red drop. Thanks again for not spoiling my fun figuring it out (I didn't like that the 'hint' option in Quell and Quell Reflect are just the solution. Well do on the Memento help section!)

Glad you got it! Any luck on the brass rings in In Bloom Stage 3, Cannon Fodder and/or Testament Stage 3, Shapes?
Still can't figure this one out
I was able to get the brass ring in cannon fodder. Still can't get the brass ring in chain reaction.
Shannon Marie, I used your tip, but only got two strikes of the jewel block. Please could you be just a tad more explicit on this one. I have got every jewel except this one. Or maybe Nellie can share the tip that tipped the solution. Thank you.
Alison... are you moving the wooden spike veritcally and applying Shannon's tip?
Alison - Same with me. I was only able to get two strikes on the block. I'm moving the spike up and down vertically and using a second bubble to anchor the spike.
1. Broke right-most ice block and took bubble above the moveable spike.
2. Broke middle ice block.
3. Brought 1st bubble down - and in firing range of the block with the jewel.
4. Fired right! Hit #1.
I found two ways to get the 2nd hit.
1. Bring the hitting ball left to the last ice block and fire again.
2. Flip the diamond block over the top with the original ball, flip it back, and then do the hitting the last ice block and fire again.
Can't figure out the 3rd hit.
Did it!!! Did "too much" in #1 above.
Good work, Alison!
I can't figure out how to get back to the spike. I can crack twice at most. I think I'm doing what ex pat Brit was doing initially.
Hi Bussemac

Before doing anything else, you need to get one raindrop into the horizontal "trench" through the middle. This involves pushing against the movable spike, but having the other raindrop propping up the other side, so the movable spike doesn't go too far.

Does this help at all?
Yeah, I can do that much easily. It's getting the drop I send into the trench back to be useful again (after cracking once) that I can't figure out.
So secondly, sacrifice the raindrop that isn't in the trench to get rid of the red drop. Then you should be able to move freely within the trench.
You also want to try to avoid breaking the rightmost block for a bit.
1. Break the right most block with the second bubble
2. Get the second bubble over the moveable spike
3. Break the middle block with the first bubble
4. Move the second bubble (the one that's over the moveable spike) down so it is ready for HIT #1
5. Make Hit #1
6. Bring the first bubble so it is above the first ice block.
7. Second hit, with the second bubble breaks the ice.
8. Bring 1st bubble down so it breaks red bubble.
9. Third and final hit!
I have attempted Elina Mathew solution several times - still not getting jewel. Could someone give more detail for step 7 - is that breaking the ice in front of the red bubble thus releasing it? If so, what then? The two ways I've tried it and got that far on my own gets two hits & puzzle "solves" before the third hit. I've gotten everyother jewel up to this one and most of them past it - even put my genius son on it and we are definitely missing something.

MrSP has provided a useful description of the solution at http://www.playstationtrophies.org/forum/quell-memento/200328-guiding-spirit-4-3-gem.html

But to save you time, here's the solution:


[switch to second, rightmost bubble] LDLDLD

[switch back to first bubble] DLURUU [this destroys the first bubble and the red drop]